Back to Basics

Later this month, be on the lookout for our Insurance Basics webinar. The session will be hosted by CSL’s Director of Marketing and Education, Scott Fussell, and will feature Sara Sterley of MJ Insurance as lead presenter.


The goal of the session is to provide our “students” with a foundational understanding of what and who is covered, trends in the industry, and the resources that are available where you can learn more.

To accomplish these objectives, Sara will provide an overview of insurance programs, discuss the different types of coverage, and share her insights into claims, trends, and resources.

Keep an eye on your inbox and CSL’s social media feeds for more information on this important topic and session availability.


Dr. Peterson Will See You Now

Getting to Know Pete...and Your Chapter House

Ever see a doctor for a physical or a trainer for an assessment of your current health and fitness? Sure you have!  It would be crazy not to, right? When was the last time you considered doing the same for your chapter house? With an infrastructure that may be aging and needs that are growing in complexity, it’s becoming more and more important that we continue to monitor the health of our chapter facilities and their ability to meet the needs of our members. That’s where Jeff Peterson comes in.

Chapter Spotlight

Delta Delta Delta, University of Florida

There’s Something Different About That Place

It’s not uncommon for volunteers and leadership consultants to quickly develop a knack for identifying the performance level and culture of a chapter shortly after entering the house. Well, the team at CSL seems to be picking up on this “sixth sense” as well.  And while we typically stick to assessing the physical facility, sometimes it’s impossible for us not to recognize what’s happening culturally and relationally as well. Such was the case a few months ago when Director of Assessments and Project Management, Jeff Peterson visited the Tri Delta chapter at the University of Florida in Gainesville. When asked about his time at 1134 E. Panhellenic Drive, Jeff simply said, “There’s just something different about the place – the chapter, the facility itself. Something good is happening there.” That visit, that quote, that culture, that facility prompted a need to learn more of the chapter’s story, because when students are having an experience so positive you can’t put a finger on it, we believe their story should be shared and celebrated.